My blogspiration

Monday, March 2, 2015

How about those antioxidants?

I bet you don't really think about antioxidants much huh?

What are antioxidants? What do they do? Are they bad? What do they do to your body? Etc etc. Well good old trusty Google had this to say...
  1. "Antioxidants are compounds found in foods that neutralise or 'mop up' molecules called free radicals that can harm our cells. Damage caused to cells by free radicals is linked to certain diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. The best sources of antioxidants are fruits and vegetables."
So basically they are GOOD little things that can help you stay looking younger and help to combat things like sun damage (as an example, that's also beauty related) by helping to repair the cells in your body, these "free radicals" they're talking about.

The biggest source, as it says, is fruit and vegetables, so a healthy diet, lots of water and green tea and skincare with antioxidants, such as Rosehip Oil or Vitamin C, all benefit your skin (and body) and provide these antioxidants.

Anyway, this post isn't actually about skincare, it is about a few other products I love to use that are time efficient, easy to use and drink, to help you keep that fresh, younger looking skin with food aids, which can also really help for those who either can't afford, or "forget" to eat healthy. Hey, we're all human (I may or may not go on delicious food binges and forget about healthy stuff for a week few days...)

2 products I love and try to have on a daily basis, that are brimming with antioxidants are these:

Nutra Organics Acai Berry Blend (morning)
I like this in the morning due to being all fruit, it still has a lot of sugar, so is best to have ample time to burn away through daily activities. You can top this on your toasted muesli (or whatever you like for breakfast), mix it into some plain yogurt, smoothies etc. It's pretty unlimited in its use. It contains all of the *important* antioxidant berries with Acai being the main star. It also contains blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, beetroot and goji berries. It's freeze dried so it's a powdered form of berries, which means for a teaspoon, you're basically eating a punnet of berries... 1 tub lasts me for about 3 months and I usually just have roughly teaspoon in a glass of water. I've been having this stuff for probably 3-4 years now and I truly believe it has played a big part in me not getting sick as often as I used to.
RRP: $49.95 ($10 shipping)

Matcha Maiden Matcha Green Tea (night)
Matcha is a Japanese green tea (shade grown) that is a stone ground, powdered version with over 100x the antioxidants and 1 cup compares to the health benefits of 10 cups of regular green tea. I find it less bitter than bagged green tea can be, and some do find it also slightly sweeter. A bag usually lasts me 3 months as you only need the tiniest amount (I'm talking 1/4 of a teaspoon). Again, it's another product with many uses, like sprinkling it on your breakfast, bake with it (mmm cupcakes) etc. 
I like this at night as a hot tea when I'm relaxing and almost ready for bed.
RRP: $24.95 for 70g (free shipping)

As always, like anything, these supplements are always best accompanied with a good diet, water, exercise and a good skincare routine (preferably natural).

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