My blogspiration

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Review: Maskd Green mask

Maskd is a new Australian brand created by a beauty therapist, Carli Lansdown, using natural ingredients. The Maskd motto is simple: "refresh, revive and relight your face today". 

I tried this mask over 3 days (once a day), as suggested by the website (for an intense skin revival course). I also asked my partner to try it out one night with me as he likes to occasionally dabble in my lotions and potions. So you'll also hear/ see his thoughts on it as a "once a week/ one time/ occasional user", which could be handy for those who like to use masks only on occasion, or forget about them (which is me half the time). 

The mask is said to:
Smooth lines and wrinkles
Soothes damaged skin and reduces scars
Permits fresh, and glowing skin
Allows natural oil flow
Moistens dry skin
Reduces blemishes
Improve application of makeup

My skin is combination, normal cheeks and oily t-zone. I only get hormonal acne, which is just starting to rear its ugly head (it's almost that time ugh!). I also have quite a congested nose with large pores. No blackheads or any other congestion on my face. 

Use 1: (first night)
I applied a thin layer all over. I didn't have any tingling or stinging sensations at all, but felt slightly hot in one small area on my left cheek and forehead, which started about 5 minutes in and stopped about 8 minutes in. To me, it smelt like plastic, quite a strong scent of it. It was initially concerning to me that a "natural" face mask would smell so heavily of plastic, but it did soon wear off and left a more natural and organic scent (like walking past an Endota Spa) . My partner thought it smelt natural. 
After 15 minutes I washed it off with the washcloth provided. It left my skin feeling very fresh, radiant and only slightly tight. 
My nose looked immediately less congested and the pores slightly smaller, but they did oil up again quite quickly. 
Afterwards I applied my Mario Badescu Seaweed night cream to moisture (as directed to do by the website and as I usually do after a mask anyway).

I definitely prefer this mask over the one we currently use (Sukin Purifying mask) and can't wait to use it again tomorrow night.

My Partner: (Oily skin with occasional acne. Suffers from blackheads and large pores)
He felt a stinging sensation straight away but he said it subsided within 3 minutes of wear. Not strong but definitely quite noticeable.
Afterwards he said his skin felt smooth and liked the way that it felt. 
He liked it and would use it again. He does prefer more "mud" style masks though as he says they give more of a "burning sensation", which he apparently likes.

Use 2: (third night, I was tired and missed a night)
Weirdly, I found this application was more hot and tingly than the first time, even though it says that with each use, those feelings reside more and more. 
A pimple I had on my chin cleared up much quicker than usual (2 days vs about 7), so I am putting that down to the mask pure and simple, as my hormonal acne doesn't budge very quickly. However, I have noticed that I've had some small white heads come up on my forehead that weren't there before I started the masks, but, that could just be the mask doing it's job by drawing the crap out of my skin, so I'm not particularly surprised. 
After the use, I definitely noticed that my nose pores were definitely smaller and again, cleaned out nicely. 
Again, my face felt fresh, radiant and smooth. 
At this point, I haven't noticed any kind of improvement as to applying my makeup or it lasting longer. So that's neither here nor there for me as I don't feel like my makeup could last any longer if I tried. 

Use 3: (forth night)
This time I found more of a stinging effect on my face (both cheeks), rather than just a tingling sensation. This lasted for nearly the whole time I had the mask on. Although this was the only application that I did wash my face twice before applying it (as the instructions say to do). 
The pores on my nose are definitely looking much better, and through prolonged use I can only imagine how good they'd look. 
Again, I found my skin, fresh, radiant and definitely much smoother, although less tighter than day 1 after use. 
Not seeing any difference in regards to fine lines and wrinkles, but I do believe you'd have to be using this stuff for a while yet.  

I really liked this mask, and the way it made my skin feel after each use. I loved how it actually made me feel like it was doing something for my nose pores as the only thing that even comes close to helping them are the Biore nose strips. I can see this being a big winner for those with acne. Obviously I don't have much but it did wonders for the *cough* one pimple I had. 
I find you'd have to have long term use to see any real difference in fine lines and wrinkles, as with any skincare. 
The only thing I didn't like about it was the very plasticky smell when you first apply it. 

I would definitely recommend Maskd. As I previously stated, and still hold true to, I like this much better than my current mask, and am struggling to think of a previously used mask that I like better than the Maskd one (possibly MAC Volcanic Ash Mask, but I honestly think it's too close to call). I will be buying a full size tube as I know this is going to be a saviour for my "monthly" skin. 

Where to buy: or for international shipping!
RRP: $49.95 (50ml)

Product was provided for me for the purposes of this review. Thought and opinions are 100% my own and genuine. 

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