My blogspiration

Monday, August 18, 2014

Holidays and bloggers block...

I haven't been on "holidays" (annual leave from my job), in something like 2 years. Naturally, with that time off, I thought I would set myself little side projects to do, like baking, setting up our walk in robe (too many clothes, not enough space = making the spare bedroom into a wardrobe), and blogging. I wanted to spend a good amount of time just blogging. I don't know what it was, but I got lazy. Nothing has been done and I'm due to go back tomorrow. It's official. I have bloggers block. 

I have a few posts ready to go, just need to photograph content, but I cannot get them out. Tried to write a review. Can't get it out. What do you do when bloggers block strikes? 

I've also been toying with the idea of starting a YouTube channel. I feel like everyone and their cat has a YouTube channel, and everyone wants to be YouTube famous. So I feel like, what's the point? However, the reason I want to do it, is purely so I can put out more content. I could do actual tutorials rather than a FOTD and the products used, which would be more helpful. You guys could also get to know me better, see an actual personality instead of just my writing. Everything just seems so.... I don't even know, just so.... 

I know it may sound strange, but maybe why I'm reluctant to write, is the fear of nothing to write about. I realised today, whilst updating my wish list, is, I'm actually about to obtain everything on my makeup/ beauty wish list. What then? That will kind of conclude the haul side of things. As a late 20 something, you no longer feel the need to buy every thing in sight like a late teen/ early 20 year old would. That's being practical. My love of beauty is still the same, but I know that I don't need that 54th red lipstick and I'd rather have money for a house deposit sooner, rather than later. Writing this definitely makes me think it would be wise to start videos. Maybe I'm just being irrational, and there will always be something to write about. 

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