My blogspiration

Monday, May 26, 2014

Something kinda gross...

So I "routinely" (roughly every 3 months), clean my hair brush. Now when I clean my hairbrush, I not only pull out all the hair but soak it in a basin of warm water and shampoo to try and remove what I can. Today, I cleaned my hair brush but omg not even joking when I say it's time to buy a new hair brush.

I'm guessing there are not a lot of ladies who do a thorough cleaning. Sure you might remove the hair, but do you a deeper cleanse like you would your makeup brushes? Probably not. What you might forget, is about all the nasty skin cells, product and what not that builds up, that doesn't get removed. Also something you may want to think about, with all of those hard to reach places (basically everywhere on your brush around the bristles), are those skin cells building up with the hair oils and the bacteria that would surely be there. It's not nice! It's actually really gross. Especially when you think about people not cleaning their brushes properly, or buying new ones every couple of years.

Here are some *gross* photos to show you. I threw out my hair brush after this, there's no going back to it after this…

Photo 1:After it has been washed, and scraped for 15 mins to try and remove the excess buildup.
Photo 2: The excess gunk after being washed. The whitish specks you see on the bottom half/ left corner are the dead skin cells, oil buildup etc. 

So, the lesson here is: go and THOROUGHLY clean your hair brush, and if you've had it longer than a couple of years. I'd probably get a new one.

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